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Sensory activities can help improve social-emotional learning (SEL), which is the process of learning how to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals, feel and show empathy, and make responsible decisions. There are five main components of SEL: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Sensory activities can help children practice and improve these skills by:

  • Helping them identify and label their own and others’ emotions, such as happy, sad, angry, or scared.

  • Helping them cope with stress, frustration, and anxiety by providing calming and soothing sensory inputs, such as soft music, dim lights, or weighted blankets.

  • Helping them recognize and respect the perspectives and feelings of others by sharing, taking turns, and cooperating during sensory play.

  • Helping them communicate, collaborate, and resolve conflicts with others by using words, gestures, and facial expressions during sensory play.

  • Helping them solve problems and make choices by experimenting, exploring, and discovering new sensory experiences.

Sensory activities can be fun, engaging, and beneficial for children of all ages and abilities. They can be done at home, in the classroom, or outdoors, using simple and inexpensive materials. They can also be adapted to suit the preferences, needs, and goals of each child. For more ideas and inspiration, you can check out these websites:

I hope this helps you learn more about sensory activities and how they can improve social-emotional learning. 😊

For more information on Sensory Products or Sensory Space Designs visit:


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Sensory Room | Sensory Play | Social Emotional Learning |Children with Special Needs

Designing a sensory room can indeed be a challenging and time-consuming task, but the benefits it can bring to children with special needs are invaluable. A well-designed sensory room can help children regulate their emotions, improve their sensory processing skills, and enhance their overall well-being. It's important to keep in mind the unique needs of the children and choose appropriate equipment, create a calming atmosphere, incorporate different textures, make it accessible, introduce music and aromatherapy, and consider safety. With careful planning and attention to detail, a sensory room can be a powerful tool to support the development and growth of children with special needs.

Tip #1 - Consider the needs of the children:

Before designing a sensory room, it's important to understand the unique needs of the children who will be using the space.

Tip #2 - Choose appropriate equipment:

Sensory rooms should be equipped with various sensory equipment to engage children's senses and help them regulate their emotions. Some common equipment includes a sensory Projector, 6ft bubble tube, fiber optics, sensory blankets, Bean Bags, and sensory swings

Tip #3 - Create a calming atmosphere:

Sensory rooms should be designed to create a calm and relaxing environment. Soft lighting, calming colors, and comfortable seating can help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.  Note:  DO NOT MAKE THE ROOM CLUTTERED WITH TOO MUCH STUFF !!! THIS CAN CAUSE OVER STIMULATION

Tip #4 - Incorporate different textures:

Children with special needs often have sensory processing issues. Incorporating sensory wall panels with different textures, such as soft fabrics, rough surfaces, and bumpy textures, can provide tactile stimulation and help with sensory integration.

Tip #5 - Make it accessible:

Ensure that the sensory room is accessible to all children, including those with physical disabilities. This may require installing ramps, wider doorways, or other accessibility features.

Tip #6: Introduce music and aromatherapy:

Music and aromatherapy can be powerful tools for creating a calming environment. Soft, soothing music and calming scents like lavender or chamomile can help reduce anxiety and improve relaxation.

Tip #7: Consider safety:

Safety should be a top priority when designing a sensory room. Ensure that all equipment is safe and secure (especially your sensory swing), and that the room is monitored at all times to prevent accidents.

Remember, a well-designed sensory room can be a powerful tool for helping children with special needs regulate their emotions and improve their overall well-being.


Also, remember a cluttered room can cause more sensory processing issues for children with Special needs.  Please make sure the room is organized, not cluttered.

Sensory Room Videos:

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